While in the mountains this weekend I was hoping to see a bear. Instead, I saw three mountain goats, a marmot, grouse, pikas. Even better. I can drive two hours and see all of these things, plus bears, and each time it shocks me. And then wooop, back to desk where I am now, toggling between the page and other pages. Shock wears off or you grow accustomed to something else.
I just hit 100 subscribers. There was never a goal, so 100 doesn’t seem large or small. You could call it an achievement; you could say two years of sharing should’ve gotten me “farther”. Either way, I love being here. Thank you for the support, the private emails in my inbox, the comments down in these posts, the encouragement!
I struggle so much with the business of our online dimension. I like to think I am good at discerning when it is time to delete the app (Instagram), which is usually always, just like how I know when to take a break from alcohol. Lately though, I struggle with the desire to delete my online presence and disappear. Like forever, preferably. I might someday. May we all, someday!
It is no longer summer. I prayed for change—here it is. As a child, when I really knew prayer, I asked god to give me burdens before I knew what burdens were. In some mangled religious sense, I wanted to prove that someone could deliver me from pain. Last night I dreamt of grief. Someone died and I grieved him like the sun was above and I was standing with two feet on the ground. It felt real. I don’t believe in god, but I am scared of god. We are messengers between what we know and what we don’t.
Some days I am not scared of god or myself. Those days are the good days, you know? You talk to the cashier. You hear your breath. The tide hits your ankles. You hear a new laugh come out of you and someone you love says, I’ve never heard that before! You could ask yourself any question and there is a real answer or a direction or a godless prayer. There is no fear. I am in some crazy middle. The sun shuffles over the island mountains and I believe it must be the most beautiful day I have ever seen. The next day is dark. We all live there.
An old friend from college just visited—someone who knows me more than most people. I am still an explorer in this land so we went up to the mountains and walked it together. We were in the mountains hoping to see bears (at least I was) and instead we saw much more. I am working on letting others take care of me. Somewhere, in the dullness of the past few years, I think a lot of us have lost trust in each other, our surroundings, our neighborhood. It makes sense. I am not searching for the trust again, not now. I find the world around each corner and that is where we begin.
I love the imagery of moving through good days and bad. “You hear a new laugh come out of you and someone you love says, ‘I’ve never heard that before!’” Is such a bubbling warm sentiment. Sometimes those little new things acknowledged, that someone simply notices, really helps with getting out of my head. Helps us feel embodied.
Love you on all days good and bad. Hugs from afar🖤
love you jo :) and you are my favorite writer